Coverage for jaypore_ci/remotes/ 83%

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2A gitea remote git host. 


4This is used to report pipeline status to the remote. 


6import os 


8import requests 


10from jaypore_ci.interfaces import Remote, RemoteApiFailed, Repo, RemoteInfo 

11from jaypore_ci.logging import logger 



14class Gitea(Remote): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes 

15 """ 

16 The remote implementation for gitea. 

17 """ 


19 @classmethod 

20 def from_env(cls, *, repo: Repo) -> "Gitea": 

21 """ 

22 Creates a remote instance from the environment. 

23 It will: 


25 - Find the remote location using `git remote`. 

26 - Find the current branch 

27 - Create a new pull request for that branch 

28 - Allow posting updates using the gitea token provided 

29 """ 

30 os.environ["JAYPORE_COMMIT_BRANCH"] = repo.branch 

31 os.environ["JAYPORE_COMMIT_SHA"] = repo.sha 

32 rem = RemoteInfo.parse(repo.remote) 

33 return cls( 

34 root=f"https://{rem.netloc}", 

35 owner=rem.owner, 

36 repo=rem.repo, 

37 branch=repo.branch, 

38 token=os.environ["JAYPORE_GITEA_TOKEN"], 

39 sha=repo.sha, 

40 ) 


42 def __init__( 

43 self, *, root, owner, repo, token, **kwargs 

44 ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments 

45 super().__init__(**kwargs) 

46 # --- customer 

47 self.root = root 

48 self.api = f"{root}/api/v1" 

49 self.owner = owner 

50 self.repo = repo 

51 self.token = token 

52 self.timeout = 10 

53 self.base_branch = "develop" 

54 # --- 

55 self.__pr_id__ = None 


57 def logging(self): 

58 """ 

59 Return's a logging instance with information about gitea bound to it. 

60 """ 

61 return logger.bind( 

62 root=self.root, owner=self.owner, repo=self.repo, branch=self.branch 

63 ) 


65 def get_pr_id(self): 

66 """ 

67 Returns the pull request ID for the current branch. 

68 """ 

69 if self.__pr_id__ is None: 

70 r = 

71 f"{self.api}/repos/{self.owner}/{self.repo}/pulls", 

72 params={"access_token": self.token}, 

73 timeout=self.timeout, 

74 json={ 

75 "base": self.base_branch, 

76 "body": "Branch auto created by JayporeCI", 

77 "head": self.branch, 

78 "title": self.branch, 

79 }, 

80 ) 

81 self.logging().debug("Get PR Id", status_code=r.status_code) 

82 if r.status_code == 409: 

83 self.__pr_id__ = r.text.split("issue_id:")[1].split(",")[0].strip() 

84 return self.get_pr_id() 

85 if r.status_code == 201: 85 ↛ 87line 85 didn't jump to line 87, because the condition on line 85 was never false

86 return self.get_pr_id() 

87 if ( 

88 r.status_code == 404 

89 and r.json()["message"] == "IsBranchExist" 

90 and self.base_branch != "main" 

91 ): 

92 self.base_branch = "main" 

93 return self.get_pr_id() 

94 self.logging().debug( 

95 "Failed gitea api", 

96 api=self.api, 

97 owner=self.owner, 

98 repo=self.repo, 

99 token=self.token, 

100 branch=self.branch, 

101 status=r.status_code, 

102 response=r.text, 

103 ) 

104 raise RemoteApiFailed(r) 

105 return self.__pr_id__ 


107 def publish(self, report: str, status: str): 

108 """ 

109 Will publish the report to the remote. 


111 :param report: Report to write to remote. 

112 :param status: One of ["pending", "success", "error", "failure", 

113 "warning"] This is the dot next to each commit in gitea. 

114 """ 

115 assert status in ("pending", "success", "error", "failure", "warning") 

116 issue_id = self.get_pr_id() 

117 # Get existing PR body 

118 r = requests.get( 

119 f"{self.api}/repos/{self.owner}/{self.repo}/pulls/{issue_id}", 

120 timeout=self.timeout, 

121 params={"access_token": self.token}, 

122 ) 

123 self.logging().debug("Get existing body", status_code=r.status_code) 

124 assert r.status_code == 200 

125 body = r.json()["body"] 

126 body = (line for line in body.split("\n")) 

127 prefix = [] 

128 for line in body: 

129 if "```jayporeci" in line: 129 ↛ 130line 129 didn't jump to line 130, because the condition on line 129 was never true

130 prefix = prefix[:-1] 

131 break 

132 prefix.append(line) 

133 while prefix and prefix[-1].strip() == "": 133 ↛ 134line 133 didn't jump to line 134, because the condition on line 133 was never true

134 prefix = prefix[:-1] 

135 prefix.append("") 

136 # Post new body with report 

137 report = "\n".join(prefix) + "\n" + report 

138 r = requests.patch( 

139 f"{self.api}/repos/{self.owner}/{self.repo}/pulls/{issue_id}", 

140 data={"body": report}, 

141 timeout=self.timeout, 

142 params={"access_token": self.token}, 

143 ) 

144 self.logging().debug("Published new report", status_code=r.status_code) 

145 # Set commit status 

146 r = 

147 f"{self.api}/repos/{self.owner}/{self.repo}/statuses/{self.sha}", 

148 json={ 

149 "context": "JayporeCi", 

150 "description": f"Pipeline status is: {status}", 

151 "state": status, 

152 "target_url": f"{self.root}/{self.owner}/{self.repo}/pulls/{issue_id}", 

153 }, 

154 timeout=self.timeout, 

155 params={"access_token": self.token}, 

156 ) 

157 self.logging().debug( 

158 "Published new status", status=status, status_code=r.status_code 

159 )